Behavior Mirrors the Mind – the Story of Su Dongpo and Fo Yin

Su Shi, also known as Dong Po (1037 – 1101) was a Chinese writer, poet, painter, calligrapher, and a follower of Buddhism in the Song Dynasty (960–1279).

Su Shi, also known as Dong Po (1037 – 1101) was a Chinese writer, poet, painter, calligrapher, and a follower of Buddhism in the Song Dynasty (960–1279).

Su Dongpo, the famous scholar, one day joined Fo Yin, a Buddhist monk, in sitting meditation.

They meditated for some time before Su Dongpo opened his eyes and asked Fo Yin, “What did you see in me when I was meditating?”

Fo Yin looked at him and nodded in approval, “You looked like a stately Buddha.”

Su Dongpo was very pleased.

After a while, Fo Yin asked Su the same question. Su wanted to make a joke with him, so he said, “You look to me like bullshit.”

Fo Yin smiled, and did not retort. Su Dongpo felt he had taken advantage of Fo Yin, so he went back home in a good mood, and told his sister, Su Xiaomei about it.

To his surprise, his sister laughed at him for his stupidity.

Su Dongpo did not understand why. Su Xiaomei then explained, “Monk Fo Yin cherishes Buddha in his heart, so in his eyes you looked like Buddha. You said he looked like bullshit. That means your heart is full of bullshit.”

Daily Tea: Your behavior mirrors your mind. What you see is usually what you are. When we confront life optimistically and hopefully, even the setback could be a gift from destiny. When you murmur at life for its unfairness, even the good luck could be hidden from our eyes. Please be grateful and encouraging to the people around you, then the whole world will reveal its extreme beauty to you.